GeoWatch Issue 28


Table of contents
• Keynote
• Structural Monitoring and Measurement System for Enguri Dam, Georgia
• Structural Monitoring and Measurement System for Karkheh Dam, Iran
• Structural Monitoring and Measurement System for Karun III Dam, Iran
• Structural Monitoring and Measurement System for Beli Iskar Dam, Bulgaria
• The complementary training for IWPC, Sepasad and Abzar-E-Khak / Karkheh Dam
• Dr. Oleg Razinkov
• The Mb=4.5 Earthquake of 6th October 2005 in Georgia
• The ML=4.0 Earthquake of 4th November 2005 in Khoozestan Province, Iran
• First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2006

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