GeoSIG CR-6 Multichannel Central Recording System

Key Features

  • 137DB dynamic range
  • up to 108 channels 
  • Individual 24-bit Δ−Σ ADC per channel
  • Up to 500 sps adjustable sampling rate
  • Wired ethernet and serial links
  • TCXO time base with GPS synchronisation
  • Enhanced connectivity via landline modems, 3G cellular devices and satellite links
  • Simple and secure communication over internet or intranet with full remote management
  • Continuous and trigger based recording 
  • Can record on large capacity hard disks 
  • USB interface for external storage and communication devices 
  • Simultaneous data streaming to several clients
  • On board data proccessing and evaluation 
  • Drop-in replacement for CR-4 Digitiser
  • Connection of sensor cables on terminals
  • 3 fully independant alarms 
  • Extremely compact and modular 
CR-6, now a legacy product, was a modern multichannel central monitoring and recording system providing engineers with a valuable tool to fully understand and analyse the dynamics of structures in the operating environment. Its design was based on years of experience in monitoring civil engineering structures such as dams, nuclear power plants, pipelines, tunnels, bridges, tall buildings and unique structures all over the world.

With a CR-6 system, data from acceleration, velocity, displacement, strain, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, stress and pressure sensors could be monitored and recorded with superior data quality. Connection of the sensor cables was extremely easy and fast with the versatile cable screw terminal design. All inputs and outputs of the CR-6 were protected with a field proven over voltage protection (OVP) system.

Its modular architecture and industry standard interfaces offered high versatility, easy expansion, upgradeability, and long term availability of spare parts. GeoDAS, a proven data logger and data analysis package developed by GeoSIG, was supplied with CR-6 providing a richly configured set of user-friendly capabilities, graphical and analytical tools. The CR-6 continuously monitored the real-time data, which could be recorded based on event detection and continuously. The continuous ring buffer size, the pre-event and post-event time, trigger thresholds and many other parameters were fully user configurable. In addition to the real-time display of the measured data from each channel the system could provide statistical data such as mean, max, min, and peak values.