GeoSIG's newly designed website


GeoSIG are excited to announce the launch of their newly designed website which is live as of today and being located at the same web address
Our aim was to have a new site to deliver a clean uncluttered design with a focus on quickly providing customers with information on our measuring systems. Our goal was to make the site easy to navigate and to be fully responsive to the device it is viewed on, meaning that the site can now be easily viewed and navigated around on tablets and mobile devices.
A dynamic filter system now allows the user to quickly navigate to the product group they are looking for and once there a simple sub menu provides our customers with accurate product information instantly.
We would welcome you forwarding this news to any other parties who you feel would be interested in GeoSIG's products, to receive notice of website updates and new content we would encourage you to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
If you experience any problems using the new website or if you have any suggestions, please click here to contact us.