Key Features

  • Standard 2 GByte Removable Memory
  • 24 Bit Digitiser
  • Bandwidth to 80 % of Nyquist
  • Highest Dynamic Range
  • GPS Time Receiver (Option)
  • Continuous Data Stream Output
  • On-Line Diagnostics and Self Checking System
  • Quick Installation
  • Sets New Standard in Price for 24 Bit Technology
The GSR-24 Seismic Recorder, now a legacy product, was a high performance velocity and acceleration acquisition system. In combination with the Radio Telemetry Interface and the acquisition facilities, a complete solution was available on the market for seismic profiling, after shock studies, noise measurements and single station micro seismic networks.

Featuring the latest industrial standard 24 Bit high resolution digitiser, the GSR-24 recorded signals over 132 dB dynamic range making it one of the most accurate and flexible portable recorders available on the marketplace. This highest performance allowed it to acquire micro seismic, broad band and strong motion signals in a single field unit.

The standard GSR-24 recorder allowed 3 signals from either seismometers, accelerometers or geophones to be acquired using a three component 24 Bit Digitiser, a Control Card, a GPS receiver, a CPU and flash memory. The GSR-24 had a digitiser line output.

A separate Digitiser GSD-24 was available, which had the same features as the GSR-24, but no memory and therefore no recording facilities.

The line output from the GSR-24/GSD-24 was available for connection to a radio transmitter. This enabled continuous data transmission back to base and at the same time as back up continuous recording.

A comprehensive package of advanced, windows-based analysis software was available. GeoDAS was included with the GSR-24 and could be used on-site for a first impression of the recorded data. SEISLOG was included in the Seismic Data Acquisition System consisting of a Laptop or PC and was the base of the recording function for the GSD-24. SEISLOG allowed also the graphical display of the recorded data.

With the GeoDAS Data Analysis Package and SEISAN, we provided two dedicated analysis programs for earthquake and civil engineering as well as for seismologists.
The GSR-24 Seismic Recorder was the ideal compact and most cost effective 24 Bit approach.