Key Features

  •  Instrument setup to change any configuration parameters of any instrument(s)
  •  State of Health (SOH) monitoring for permanent or periodical monitoring of instrument/system status
  • Downloading of the event files from recorder(s)
  • Real-time data viewer and recorder for instrument(s) providing data streams
  • Off-line data viewer
  • Logger features to store important system messages in a log file
  • Station Map
  • Network Monitor 
  • Network Links 
  • Messenger
  • Statistics of Communications
GeoDAS is a graphical Microsoft Windows-based application. It provides the most comprehensive, intuitive and versatile features available in the earthquake, seismic, structural, dynamic and static monitoring and measuring industry. Fundamentally the program is used for instrument configuration and for acquisition of data provided by any standard GeoSIG instrument. . All recent Windows versions are supported, down to Windows 7. It may work also on the obsolete Windows XP but we no longer support it.
Virtual machines or wrapper applications can be used to enable its many features to run under Linux, Mac OS, Unix and other operating systems too.

The GeoDAS-COM package includes the GeoDAS-BASE package and specific basic cables and hardware certified to use with the relevant equipment supplied. The Data Analysis part of GeoDAS (GeoDAS-DAP) has been developed by GeoSIG especially for the strong motion, earthquake engineering and civil engineering data analysis. The following operations can be performed:

 • Lowpass Filter
 • Highpass Filter
 • Baseline correction
 • Integration
 • Differentiation
 • Vector Sum
 • Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV)
 • Time-domain Filtering
 • Effective Values
 • Damping
 • Power Spectra
 • FFT Magnitude
 • Terzband Spectra
 • Response Spectra
 • JMA Intensity
 • STA/LTA Ratio
 • Signal Characteristics
 • Analysis Templates

The general functionality of GeoDAS briefly described above is used in most applications based on GeoSIG equipment. Moreover special GeoDAS versions (i.e. GeoDAS-AEP, GeoDAS-NPP, etc) offer special functions, some of which are supplied for particular applications or some of which can be activated in special cases only. These functions include, but are not limited to:

  • Strong Motion Data Processing
  • OBE / SSE Event Checks
  • Support for ADC Boards
  • Static Measurements
  • Automatic Event Processing
  • Automatic File Conversion